Wojciech Przybylski

Twitter: @wprzybylski

Political analyst heading Visegrad Insight's policy foresight on European affairs. His expertise includes foreign policy and political culture. Editor-in-Chief of Visegrad Insight and President of the Res Publica Foundation. Europe's Future Fellow at IWM - Institute of Human Sciences in Vienna and Erste Foundation. Wojciech also co-authored a book 'Understanding Central Europe’, Routledge 2017. He has been published in Foreign Policy, Politico Europe, Journal of Democracy, EUObserver, Project Syndicate, VoxEurop, Hospodarske noviny, Internazionale, Zeit, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, Onet, Gazeta Wyborcza and regularly appears in BBC, Al Jazeera Europe, Euronews, TRT World, TVN24, TOK FM, Swedish Radio and others.


How To Win Real Peace in the EU Elections – COMMENTARY

6 June 2024

Ursula Mobilised Europe Against The Virus – Now Tasked Against The Evil – QUICK TAKE

7 May 2024

Security Is First, Democratic Freedoms Are Back, and the Enlargement Is for Real – QUICK TAKE

17 April 2024

Unprecedented: Péter Magyar Employs Media to Successfully Challenge Viktor Orbán – INTERVIEW

10 April 2024

Why Polish Leaders’ US trip matters to Europeans – QUICK TAKE

13 March 2024

EU Enlargement At Different Speeds Set To Gain Traction –  INTERVIEW

27 February 2024

Ukrainians, Your Fight is Our Fight: We Are Mutually Indebted – Editorial

22 February 2024

Poland’s Diplomatic Offensive: A New Momentum for the Weimar Triangle

13 February 2024

Ukraine’s Big Win at the EU Summit: A 50 Billion Euro Deal and More

2 February 2024

Poland’s Public Media Reshuffle Boosts Democracy and Rule of Law

11 January 2024

Make Europe Great Again

21 December 2023

How European Democracies Are to Survive a New Trump Age

13 November 2023

New Polish Government Should Advocate for EU Enlargement 

1 November 2023

Anne Applebaum on the Polish Elections – How Autocratic Populism Failed

25 October 2023

Von der Leyen Calls for a Tectonic Shift in the EU: More Members, More Power, More Prosperity

13 September 2023

Ukraine in EU Path Threatened by Elections in Poland and Slovakia

23 August 2023

Swift EU Accession Is a Necessity

11 July 2023

Fostering Legal Solidarity – An Interview with Deborah Enix-Ross

31 May 2023

Polish Government to Sideline Opposition Leader on Faked Charges

29 May 2023

From Strategic Partner to Strategic Problem — Downfall of Hungary-Poland Relations

18 May 2023

Ukraine in the EU: Making the Impossible Happen – An Interview with Ivan Krastev

24 March 2023

The End of the Post-Wall Era – An Interview with Timothy Garton Ash

23 February 2023

The CEE Electoral Year Spun By A Revolutionary Moment

31 January 2023

Two on Polish Border Killed by Projectile and Why Russia is to Blame

16 November 2022

Four Scenarios for Europe — Executive Summary

15 September 2022

Poland Is Not Getting Money From the EU Until 2024

9 September 2022

The 3SI — There Is Still Something Missing for It to Succeed

28 June 2022

Will the Debate on the Euro Save Central Europe’s EU Future?

11 May 2022

Orbán Ends the Budapest–Warsaw Axis

2 April 2022

The Polish Government’s Russian Impossibilism

24 March 2022

Why Donald Tusk Should Call Out Viktor Orbán While in Budapest

15 March 2022

Russia’s Illegitimate Zones of Influence Likely to Consolidate in Early 2022

11 January 2022

A Political Gamble On Tragedy

19 November 2021

It’s a long way to ‘Polexit’

15 October 2021

Open Call — Marcin Król Fellowship 2021-22

7 October 2021

No Holiday for the Media and Democracy in Poland

11 August 2021

We welcome Damon Wilson as the next President of NED

2 June 2021

The Conference on the Future May Divide Europe

31 May 2021

Matovič in Orbital Decay after Government Reshuffle

30 March 2021

The EU Has Competences to Deal with Media Freedom

11 March 2021

Justice Systems in Europe Require Whistleblowers

9 March 2021

Orbán’s Salami Tactics to Overcome Independent Media

16 February 2021

Squeezing Advertising Out Will Leave Disinformation as the Only Game in Town

10 February 2021

South Korea Invests in V4 to Balance Out US-China Rivalry

4 February 2021

Biden’s Appointments Reveal New Reality for CEE

25 January 2021

In Hungary, It Also Started with Local Media

10 December 2020

Hungary Will Give Way to Tactical Pragmatism

24 November 2020

Central Europe Already Embraces the Next US President

3 November 2020

A Bold Plan to Support Belarusians

30 September 2020

Unpacking the Serbia-Kosovo Deal

10 September 2020

Who Is Responsible for the Free Press

3 September 2020

Belarus – a European Nation Reborn

24 August 2020

We Are All Affected

28 July 2020

The Last Mile

8 July 2020

Hunger Riots in Europe? The Kremlin in Action

12 May 2020

Kaczyński versus the People

23 April 2020

The Need for Information Sovereignty

9 April 2020

Information Sovereignty

12 March 2020

Not Another Miracle

27 February 2020

Central Europe in 2020

2 January 2020

The Real Tragedy of Central Europe

24 December 2019

Journalism as a Service

12 December 2019

Cut Off the Oligarchs

5 November 2019

Viktor Orbán Lost Budapest

15 October 2019

Poland’s new post-Brexit BFF: Germany

8 October 2019

Scary Russian Dissidents

8 October 2019

Hungary Lacks Information Sovereignty

12 September 2019

Winning By Losing In the EU

3 July 2019

V4 Election Results

28 May 2019

Europe’s Online Battles

20 May 2019

Orbán in the White House

15 May 2019

Shooting the Messenger

7 May 2019

The Eurosceptic Effect

18 April 2019

The Kaczynski Tapes

7 February 2019

Orbán’s Self-imposed Predicament

14 January 2019

Troubled Waters on the Vltava

28 November 2018

Playing Politics in Bratislava

27 November 2018

A Country on the Move

15 November 2018

A Decent Slovakia

23 October 2018

Central European Futures

27 September 2018

The EPP votes against Orbán

13 September 2018

A Warning against Czexit

21 May 2018

Showing Orbán the Door

14 May 2018

V/I survey: reaction to new EU budget

30 April 2018

The Winter of Our Discontent

27 April 2018

Leapfrogging to the Digital Future

15 March 2018

Don’t Merchandise Doubt

1 December 2017

OSCE asks about Media Freedom in Poland

18 September 2017

Zapad 2017 – survey

6 September 2017

Kaczynski’s hat-trick

14 July 2017

Chaotic Hypocrisy

18 May 2017

The Poisoned Quill

5 May 2017

Nice One, Vaclav Havel!

7 October 2016

Who Václav Havel Was and Who He Wasn’t

6 October 2016

V4 Defence Identity

30 June 2016

We Should Allow the EaP countries to Choose Freely

11 May 2015

100 years’ old crime

23 April 2015

Controlling the trolls

7 January 2015

Today is already tomorrow

20 June 2014

It’s Essential to Choose Your Words Carefully

5 November 2013

Caring for Each Other

5 November 2013

The Rise of the Middle Class

29 September 2013

Memory beyond the heroic

16 September 2013